2. Installation

TensCalc is available on GitHub and requires the installation of 3 toolboxes, which must be installed in the following order:

  1. FunParTools: https://github.com/hespanha/funpartools

  2. CmexTools: https://github.com/hespanha/cmextools

  3. TensCalc: https://github.com/hespanha/tenscalc

Installations instructions for all these tools is available at GitHub.

2.1. Issues

While most MATLAB© scripts are agnostic to the underlying operating systems (OSs), the use of mex functions depends heavily on the operating system.

Our goal is to build a toolbox that works across multiple OSs; at least under OSX, linux, and Microsoft Windows. However, most of our testing was done under OSX so one should expect some bugs under the other OSs. Currently, it is fair to say that TensCalc has been tested

  • fairly extensively under OSX

  • lightly under linux

  • very lightly under Microsoft Windows

Any help in fixing bugs is greatly appreciated.